Today, Hub editor Lee Harris informed me that my story "Transcendence Express" -- which originally appeared in Hub #2, the last print issue -- will now appear again in Hub #44: the February 5 online issue (it also appeared as an audio version read by Jack Mangan on Escape Pod).
This on top of his choosing the story as the best of Hub of 2007.
(Also, Vincent Chong's illustration for "Transcendence Express" was long-listed for the BSFA Award, but didn't make the shortlist. Oh well, you can't have them all...;-)
His reasoning:
Our print runs were significantly lower than the size of our current readership, so we have decided to cherry-pick some of our favourite stories from those two issues, and reproduce them here, every now and then, in order to allow our swollen membership (stop sniggering at the back) to enjoy some tales that might otherwise be missed.
Hub Magazine currently reaches nearly 6,000 readers every week (and growing)
More readers? I certainly won't complain, rather the contrary. If Escape Pod's statistics are correct, then well over 22,000 people downloaded the audio version. Together with Hub's claim of over 6,000 readers, this piece might have reached close to thirty thousand people...

Excellent, Jetse! Congratulations.
That's awesome. Congrats!
Hi Jetse,
Just wanted to add my congrats. I was lucky enough to have a story in the same Hub issue and I enjoyed your story immensely. Great that it's reaching such a wide audience!
All the best,
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