Thursday, February 25, 2010

Story Published in The Tangled Bank

A quick mention of personal news:

Almost two weeks ago--February 12--THE TANGLED BANK: Love, Wonder & Evolution was released, electronicall only, so far, by editor/publisher Chris Lynch's The Tangled Bank Press.

It features stories by such writers as Sophy Adani, Anil Menon, Carlos Hernandez (and many others) plus my own "The Frog Pool". Complemented with poems, illustrations and an essay by Russell Blackford. Check out the Table of Contents.

Apropos Carlos Hernandez: he's on a roll. His story in Interfictions 2 (“The Assimilated Cuban’s Guide to Quantum Santeria”) is a doozy, and online you can check out "Homeostasis" (at Futurismic) and "Fembot" (at my own DayBreak Magazine).

Apropos Anil Menon: he's co-editing (with Vandana Singh) an anthology called "The Speculative Ramayana Anthology". Check it out, and if it inspires you, do send in a story!

Apropos Sophy Adani: Destination: Future--the anthology she co-edited with Eric T, Reynolds--has just been released (at least at Amazon) through Hadley Rille Books.

Apropos my own silence: I am (and will continue to be, at least until Summer) extremely busy, both in the day job and the SF editing in my spare time. Most of the action is now at DayBreak Magazine, where you can check out excerpts for the SHINE anthology, and upbeat SF stories, of which the latest is by my compatriot Paul Evanby: "A Thousand Trains Out of Here". A razor-sharp reversal of current Dutch sociological and political trends set in a sunnier future. Enjoy!